Preferred hotels

Learn how to add a hotel to your company's list and highlight to all your employees.

Abhinav kumar singh avatar
Written by Abhinav kumar singh
Updated over a week ago

You can easily add any property to your company's preferred which will immediately highlight your preferred hotels to all your employees.

Just follow these simple steps to add a hotel to your company's list

  • Click Sign in on the WegoPro homepage and select your company (You can directly sign in using your company's WegoPro URL as well).

  • Switch to Hotels tab and search hotels in your destination.

  • On the search results, hover on any hotel you like to add to your preferred list and click on the + icon.

  • That's it. This will immediately highlight your preferred hotels to all your employees when they search for hotels in that destination. ✨

💡 Pro tip: Similarly you can also remove any hotel from your preferred list by following the same steps and clicking on the x icon.

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