Expense categories

Learn everything about setting up expense categories and aligning them with your accounting system

Abhinav kumar singh avatar
Written by Abhinav kumar singh
Updated over a week ago

What are expense categories?

Expense categories allow you to categorise your business expenses. They are line-item expense details that correspond to your accounting systems. When adding expenses, employees will have to choose from a set of categories to map their expenses. We have a default set of categories available for every user which can be updated by the company admin if needed.

How do I add a new category?

Adding a new category is simple, follow these steps:

  1. Click Sign in on the WegoPro homepage and select your company (You can directly sign in using your company's WegoPro URL as well).

  2. Go to Company settings and select Categories

  3. Click Add category and add your category name along with the optional account code

  4. Click Save and you're done ✨

What is account code?

Account code is a unique reference code that can be assigned to each category to align them with your accounting system. You can add an account code to any of the expense categories by following these steps:

  1. Click Sign in on the WegoPro homepage and select your company (You can directly sign in using your company's WegoPro URL as well).

  2. Go to Company settings and select Categories

  3. Click on any of the existing category and assign the Account code

  4. That's it - we will export the account code along with the other expense data which can be easily mapped to your accounting system ✨

📝 Note: If you're using Xero for accounting, you can refer to our Xero Configurations Guide to learn how to map your expense categories and tax information with Xero

️💡 Pro tip: You can temporarily disable any category by using the toggle switch on the categories page. If you want to delete a category permanently select the category using the checkbox and a delete icon will appear.

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