Invite or add new members

Learn how you can invite new members to join your company on WegoPro.

Abhinav kumar singh avatar
Written by Abhinav kumar singh
Updated over a week ago

There are various ways you can invite new members to join your company on WegoPro:

  • Invite by email

  • Share the link to your company

  • Add manually

  • Bulk onboard

💌 Invite by email

Company Owners and Admins can invite new members by following these steps:

  1. Click Sign in on the WegoPro homepage and select your company (You can directly sign in using your company's WegoPro URL as well).

  2. Go to Company settings and select Users.

  3. Click Add new users and select Invite users

  4. Enter the email address of the person you'd like to invite (comma separated if you want to invite multiple at once)

  5. Select their role (Member, Admin). Learn more about roles.

  6. Click Invite to finish

💡Pro tip: You can copy/paste comma separated email addresses to send bulk invitations. Also, don't forget to assign roles before sending the invitation.

🔗 Share your signup link

Share the link option is only available if you allow email signup. Workspace Owners and Admins can enable email signup. This allows people with an email address from a specific domain (e.g., your company's domain) to join a workspace without an invitation.

  1. Click Sign in on the WegoPro homepage and select your company (You can directly sign in using your company's WegoPro URL as well).

  2. Go to Company settings and select Users.

  3. Click Add new user and select Invite users

  4. Clock Invite by link and find your URL

  5. Click Copy

  6. You can share this URL with everyone in your company.

By default, Company Owners and Admins can invite new members.

➕ Add manually

To add users manually to your WegoPro account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WegoPro account

  2. Go to Company settings and select Users

  3. Click on Add new users and select Add manually

  4. Fill in the details show in the form and click Add new user

By default, Company Owners and Admins can manually add new members.

👥 Bulk onboarding

Use this template if you want to onboard employees in bulk

  • Download our onboarding spreadsheet or send us a csv file with the required fields listed below

  • Fill in all the required information as per the employee's travel document (First/given name, Last name, Email address)

  • Email your complete employee list or csv file to, and we will create accounts for all your employees.

✏️Note: We also provide personalised onboarding assistance and bulk onboarding. Get in touch with us at if you need any help.

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