Book a flight

Learn how to book a flight for your business trip.

Abhinav kumar singh avatar
Written by Abhinav kumar singh
Updated over a week ago

Booking a flight on WegoPro is very easy, follow these simple steps.

  1. Click Sign in on the WegoPro homepage and select your company (You can directly sign in using your company's WegoPro URL as well).

  2. By default, we will bring you to the Travel feature, where you will see the flight search form.

  3. Fill in your origin, destination, and preferred travel dates and click Search flights.

  4. Select the flight that suits you.

  5. Complete your traveller profile on the Booking summary screen (once you enter your details, WegoPro will remember these for your future bookings) and click Continue to pay

  6. Select the payment method (Charge to the company or use a personal credit card)

  7. Enter your payment details and click Confirm and pay

  8. That's it. You're all set for your trip ✈️

💡 Pro tip: All your travel bookings made on WegoPro can be imported into your expense report automatically.

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